Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Yule is in the air....already!!!

Well, the big winter holiday around here is Yule. We celebrate for 12 days beginning on the eve of the winter solstice. Last year (pictured above) was our first year and it was fantastic.
The only draw back to celebrating for 12 days is that we exchange 12 gifts. We will be opening gifts from family on some of the days and we will be giving each other a poem on another but the fact still remains that we will need to give the girls about 6 gifts. We live on a very tight budget, so I can stay home, and try to not over consume. As the winter holiday approaches we always try to make a lot of things for the girls as well as find things in the thrift stores. We are off to a good start this year........

I have just learnt how to needle felt. Started out with these balls. One will be for Olivia and one for Tigerlily. I'm not sure which one will go to which girl yet.

Can you believe our luck? Not only were we lucky enough to find this mug complete with lid for $1 but we were even able to hide and purchase it before Olivia had any clue what we were up to.

Last but definitely not least, in my opinion. I made this gnome. Once it was just a handful of roving and look at it now! It's a stand alone gnome.

Todd and I made these while we were practicing our needle felting. They will be donated to Todd's school to sell at their Christmas Faire as a thank you for letting us use their felting needles and coloured roving. I will also have a guest vendors table there and am frantically trying to craft up some stock.


Maymomvt said...

I like your needlefelting! WE also celebrate through 12th night, although not with the gift element--mostly with feasting and friends. The last night we have a cake with a hidden coin and crowns.

Potato said...

Such lovely things- the gnome is terrific! I look forward to hearing more about your Yule traditions- we are just starting to set up some of our traditions and I am happily gathering ideas... good luck crafting!

Anonymous said...

The little kitty mug is so sweet!

I love the idea of celebrating Yule. It's wonderful to make the holiday season last longer rather than culminating on one single crazy day.

Anonymous said...

Those needlefelted balls are so pretty! Did it take a long time to make them? They look amazing, and I love the little gnome too.

Your $1 mug is absolutely adorable. I'm sure Olivia will love it.

Tomtemama said...

Thanks for all your kind words. The felt balls were not hard to make at all. I love needle felting it doesn't really seem to require a skill set of any kind. They did however take a long time to make. I have heard people talk about felting balls in the washing machine though. If you could find out how to do that then it wouldn't take you too long to decorate them.