Thanks for the comments about my last post. I live in Canada so Mandragore may work for me. I'm afraid to use the "other sellers" on Amazon for some reason (isn't that silly?). I have also asked the woman who orders books at our local Waldorf school to try to get them for me when she places her order for the winter faire. I'll see what she says and if she can't get it I'll get it from Madragore I think. Amanda, I do think that these books would be appropriate for Ivo. Olivia loves ours at 4 years old.
I'm so excited!! Tonight we are attending a lantern walk at our local Waldorf Preschool in celebration of the Martinmas festival. The festival celebrates St.Martin who is celebrated for tearing his cloak in two to warm a beggar on a cold night. Although we lean more toward earth centered religious views we celebrate this festival as a time for light in the darkness and a reminder to care for all people.
Tigerlily's lantern is a little worse for wear. Can you guess why?
Last year we lived in another town and attended a fantastic Martinmas celebration the likes of which I suspect I will never see again. There was a real horse there for crying out loud!! I am however excited to spend sometime in the dark with my family and friends singing and thinking of caring about others.
Your lanterns are beautiful. I posted some of our lanterns earlier this a.m. I love Martinmas!
I just found your blog through amanda from rowdypea and I just love it. Your pictures from all of your walks are just lovely. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by Mamas!! You both have beautiful blogs.
MayMomVt ~ Next year will be paper mache lanterns for us. I knew that if we did them this year that Tigerlily would have treated them the same way she treated hers and they are just so much more fragile. I may have the girls decorate some glass jars with the same method later on to make some candle holders for the mantle.
Greenemother ~ Thank you for the compliment about my photos. This blogging gig is really fun! I'm loving having a reason to take more pictures. Especially those pictures that I would never take before because they weren't of anything in particular.
I hope to see you two around some more :)
I am really enjoying taking pictures - seeing moments that I would not have noticed before.
Also, enjoying your blog.)
Can you advise me how you personalised your header please?
I was at blogger, then moved to wordpress, but thinking about coming back to blogger, but I want a template I can make personal...
Would be grateful if you could help, as my searches via the forum have not yet borne fruit.
okay, i found a link...
new question - did you resize yours?
I know I'm a little late responding here, sorry.
I just made my header (660 x 176 pixels)using photo shop. Does that answer your question at all?
thank you for responding. when I didn't see a response i thought you must think i was a loony asking weird questions or something!
I'll go see if I can find out what photo shop is, then it sounds like it will have answered it perfectly .D
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